Friday, March 28, 2008

I finally caved

Despite my abhorrence of sticking drugs in my system, I finally decided it was necessary. In the past five days I've gotten a total of I'd say no more than two hours sleep. It's not been fun.

As my classmates have astutely noted, one does not simply "not sleep" for five days straight, it take effort. Well, duh. As YOU all know, I detest sleep, and I have a damn good reason too. But alas, in a rather euphoric state at a party (read, I'd had a few drinks) I let that reason slip. Now I'm fairly certain one of my friends either hates me or is afraid to be around me. Or my paranoia could be just making something of nothing.

But I digress. After five days and little sleep, I picked up a prescription for one weeks worth of sleeping pills. Guaranteed at least three hours dreamless sleep, which will hopefully prove enough. Should this work, I'll get some more. Here's to hoping.

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