Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So. Much. NOISE!

Why is there so much noise in this world? Honestly, it's everywhere. And it's little things too. The really tiny things that get to me.

People Breathing. People writing. The scratch of pens, the squeak of chairs,the turning of pages. The zipping of bags, sniffling, coughing. I feel like I'm being drowned in noise. All I can say is thank God for MP3 players and Ipods. Without mine, I'm pretty sure I'd have smashed someone round the head by now.

I'm not exagerrating. Really. It's fucking everywhere. Noise, ceaseless noise. An endless blur of talking, screaming, whispering, sweating, sneezing, breathing. Sometime really disturbing sounds, like people crying, they get through.

And people wonder why I'm always listening to music.

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