Thursday, April 17, 2008


Sometimes, you try as hard as you can and still fail.

Sometimes, you wake up screaming and you don't even know why.

The ones who matter leave and you remain tearless, but you get insulted once by someone you'll never speak to again and all of a sudden it matters so much.

We weep, we whine. We struggle and we die.

Sometimes it's all we can do just to live as normally as we can in a world which shuns difference, which shuns non-conformity. Commercialism, labels.

We plan to boycott the Olympic Games in China because of their human rights violations against the Tibetans, yet we still wear clothes made by children in sweatshops, as though they don't matter.

Religious zealots moan and whine (Christian, Muslim, Jew, it doesn't matter) when someone questions their religious beliefs, and call them ignorant. Yet they are too blind to even ask why they believe what they do. They believe because they were told to.

Sometimes we forget who we should really serve. We've been serving the wrong masters and we don't see that.

And those that try to stand out, try to change things for the better are shunned and mocked and threatened. It's only a matter of time before all the "big baddies" are gone. What do you think they'll do when there are no more xenophobic wars to be fought. They'll find those who stand out. They'll find witches and heretics. What do you think they'll do when they need someone just to burn.

Sometimes, I hope....

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Still no news

See what I have to put up with? God this existence is boring. It's just the same old crap every damn day. Although today did start off with a bang. I woke up at half one in the morning due to a particularly nasty dream. Didn't bother going back to sleep, though I intend to sleep tonight. Important exams in a few days, so I need my rest.

I'll try and make up something tomorrow, as I'm going into town so something interesting should happen.

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Saturday, April 5, 2008

I need to work..

I am so unbelievably lazy. I've been meaning to get some decent comic or art work done for two weeks now and I've done nothing. Well tonight I should get something done. I didn't sleep last night and the night before was rather....uncomfortable, so I figure I'll work on something tonight, be it my game, my planned webcomic, my art or my in-planning website.

Just thought I'd write my plans here, seeing as I haven't written anything in a while. Shame I missed April Fools though... I should have done something. It's so ridiculously annoying when I want to write something, but I've no idea what to write. Well, hopefully tomorrow will bring something. Here's to hoping.

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